Lucia Hawley Weight Loss Mindful Mindfulness FNTP MSW

You don’t need to rely on willpower or motivation to resolve your weight-loss resistance.

The key to feeling peaceful and content with food are… practicing peacefulness and contentment. It’s only after that that the nutrition piece will stick.

I’m Lucia Hawley. I’m a certified personal trainer and functional nutritional therapy practitioner with my Master’s in Social Work, Clinical Mental Health. I used to believe it was hard to lose weight, and my body proved me right. Cravings, low moods, tired, poor sleep… who could focus on losing weight when my days were already a struggle?

Well, when I lost 80 pounds I discovered that what was holding my metabolism back was simple—I wasn’t eating balanced meals in the right portions.

Common sense.

But what was holding ME back?

THAT was mental.

It wasn’t just the simple science about nutrition and fitness I needed learn that helped the weight come off and stay off.

It was the simple science I learned about how I think about myself in my life that made the weight stay off while I continued to eat for my energy, vitality, and the body composition representative of the healthiest, most balanced version of me.

As your coach, I shorten your weight loss curve using mindfulness, honesty, compassion, and the latest nutrition and fitness science so that you feel better honestly and permanently.

And when you feel better?

Your entire life is better.

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